Friday, December 26, 2008

To Be or Not to Be

"It was raining outside. There was not much for him to do. He was tired of reminiscing now. He wondered if he should go back to sleep. The nagging headache too was bothering him. Probably a visit to the doctor was imminent. He must tell his parents about it. Coming to think of it, he realized that he had not spoken to them for nearly a week. In fact he had not even been busy. They had not called him and he did not have anything important enough to call them up and tell. He was worried that it was fast becoming yet another thing he was getting used to.

Distant thunder brought him back to reality. He vowed to himself that he would find time somehow this month to make a visit home. He needed some space to clear his head. Wasteful thoughts had been practically clobbering him down. The glorified education was filling him with murderous rage. The futility of the learning, the philosophy behind the course, the vainness of the whole exercise mocked at him as they had been doing for a long time now. He did not want to know how to multiply money. He wanted to know how to create money. For those who did not have it. Reinvestment of the investment felt disgusting. It did not have the nice ring to as one meal-a-day to two meals-a-day. Rice with water to rice with dal was what he wanted to know about. But nobody near him knew about it. The course refused to talk about it. He wanted to kill himself for letting IRMA pass by when it came knocking.

He did not want to be a huge failure of an MBA earning peanuts when his class mates would be running corporations. He did not want to remain wistful seeing people LIVE life. But he did not want to work towards creating wealth for those who probably did not need it. Need it as in NEED and not WANT. He was torn between the niceties of life which come at a price on one side and the happiness which comes from obeying one's inner command on the other side. He did not want to travel the road not taken. But he knew he would have to return back to it sooner than later. What he would miss lest he treads the conventional path was clear to him but the question of whether he would miss them enough to give up the life he had dreamt of while growing up taunted and tossed him. He was troubled by his own double standards. He wanted to be rich but he did not want to do what pays money. He wanted to live in Mumbai but wanted to work for uplifting the villagers. He wanted to travel the world in a cruise yet wanted to make sure no kid goes to the bed hungry. If wishes were horses, he would have owned a million stables by then."

What I personally feel is that he is making the situation too complex for himself. He has a lot of time on his hand. All he needs to do is soul-search and come up with wishes which do not contradict each other. He just needs to steel himself and make the single major decision of his life: to be or not to be. If he decides not to be, he needs to have the maturity not to be guilty or attach any moral strings to it. If he decides to be, then it is important to stick to it and work smartly towards the cause, come what may.

To be or not to be??


CRD said...

Who says MBA's cant get into social service or something like that. There are LOTS of MbA's like that. Wat about CSR? Corporates usually like to give the mantle of its CSR to someone who's social-service inclined..its why doesnt he finish his MBA and join a corporate, and pursue social service too..very possible

Or join an NGO full time

BTw, Higgie nowadays hides behind ur post :P Why is that..did u scare her or did u spank her or something? :P


Restive Mind said...

hmm..personally i have no faith in the CSR activities of companies in India.. I dont know about abroad.. CSR is just a tax saving activity of most companies here.. n then as i mentioned the aim is not charity but providing self sustenance to people so that they manage their lives instead of looking up to sum1..If u know some corporate doing this, please let me know..they are the ones I am looking for..

but as u mentioned NGO is a good option and I am thinking along those lines seriously :)

Restive Mind said...

btw Higgie must be liking my posts so much! :P :P

readmymind said...

Can't he see a life that shares both sides? Could he not work for a company that pays enough, but spend some of his off hours working to enrich the lives of those less fortunate?

Working for your own personal gain may not be fulfilling, but to use that gain to then lift others, instead of joining them and asking others to pay, may prove to be a more secure way for all concerned.

~*~ everything is right for it's place and time ~*~

Ankit said...

Most of the MBA people come for making money and living a happy life ever after. These moral thoughts are just to make one self believe that he wanty to do good things for the society but is unable to do due to family responsibilities.

One has to choose for himself the work he want to take and the impression he want to leave .

Restive Mind said...

I would have been happier if u cud read the post n then comment rather than commenting in a haste!!! U have assumed that it is easy to find that path one wants to take when that is exactly what the post is about !!! Not everyone is gifted with the clarity you seem to exude :P :P